To enable your organization to achieve higher performance, we offer assistance in the following areas of Operational Excellence:

Comprehensive implementation of OpEx based on Lean Principles

lean management


Train-the-Trainer is a proprietary program that trains internal trainers in conducting improvement workshops such as 5S, Kaizen Blitz, TPM, SMED, etc. To facilitate learning, future Trainers participate in the pilot implementation of the methodology and then co-facilitate another project alongside a Lean Vision consultant.  The process repeats itself until a trainee reaches a sufficient level of experience that allows for independent facilitation.

In order to prepare for facilitating workshops, future trainers use a comprehensive set of materials that includes:

  • Presentations in Powerpoint with a script to each slide
  • Trainers Handbook – a detailed, step-by-step guide of how to conduct the workshop
  • Various checklists and worksheets
  • A set of props for any team exercises

Throughout the entire learning process, experienced Lean Vision consultants provide trainees with multi-level care and advice.

OpEx Improvement Workshops

  • Conducting an action workshop to improve a selected process.
  • Analyzing and mapping the current state.
  • Brainstorming improvement opportunities and recording future state.
  • Creating an action plan to implement proposed changes.
lean management